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So i recently just released Biohazard Genesis to the public, most of yall seem to think its pretty good, so heres some from suggestions i've got so far:
➵ Expand the map
➵ Change the name of the "Infected" team to "Anoebians"
➵ Add transfurs that you can become by picking up an object or eating something
➵ Add shop feature
➵ Make a seperate wiki and discord server for the game
Go comment ur suggestions below! i'd like to know.
If you havent played the game, heres the link:
Tagging in my friends:
@DiamondTK287 creator of Sillie Outbreak/Barrington Facility
@FXURN0R my bestie
(Edited by UnicattyLT)
Just Updated
How r u guys doing
I played you silly little game!! I like it so far!
As an OG I don't like that idea (I'm old and love the history of this place)
Just deal with the guy, either that or go on the official wiki
This place is practically a ghost town
If the vandal contines.
I will have to make a replacement wiki and delete eveything I can off this one.
Help is appritiated.
Every page on the newer fan wiki will be protected.
Only people I trust will be mods.
And stay out.
8 Votes in Poll
This is proof that the mods are corrupted they used bots against people that have groups to ban all of them this is from a group called the G.E.F I was the leader of it, and I am posting this image to show that this KP mods are corrupted, and that are breaking Roblox TOS
Wake up wiki
So i sadly cant script and im trying to find some person that could help me script my roblox game. the characters are stored in ServerStorage. and the value is meant to be which character it will be, the script is empty rn, can someone help me?
I feel like with these redesigns it will spark a unique light like they once were long ago. (If your allergic to long posts, don't read it.)
These were the grey wolves during 3.1.
They all were the same, yet unique.
With their expressions,
(Yes I pulled the Jammer ones from the new official wiki because this wiki doens't have them)
They had this dynamic that name them seem perferct or/and related.
They also had unique emotes to each one of them.
Fed an Adjust and Fedora trick
Shade had Wear
Night Shade had Wear, and Stare (the rock stare lmao)
Jammer had Diversion.
Unit 3.1R came along
And that spark.. fizzled out.
Sure, they all still look related, and Jammer's and Fed's expressions are different.
But Shade and Night Shade just became twins.
With the same recolored expressions.
Fed lost the Adjust ability, mommentarily lost the Fedora trick ability before its brief readdion
Shade lost its "Wear" abiliy
Night Shade lost both is "Wear" AND " Stare" ability.
But Jammer kept Diversion.
Jammer and Fed felt unique, but Shade and Night Shade lost that flair.
But with the coming redesigns.
I hope they'll have that unique flair again. Shade and Night Shade don't look like recolors, They all have different fur color depending on their stripe colors.
And their tails won't look so weirdly little!!!
(here's what they look like rn, I always found weird looking)
And hey, look! looks like Jammer will have more than just headphones!
I also suspect they'll change the idle animations!!!
UN-C4 - they are a comedic cat infected scientist who helps the humans, sells items and gives some lore-drops there and there. Long before the outbreak, they were once human, but they got infected, their brain wasnt damaged, so they kept their personality and memories. UN-C4 is an alternate universe counterpart to my self-sona, Unicatty.
(Edited by UnicattyLT)
Hey guys, so i am working on a transfur game its very early in developent but, idk if i should continue working on it, the genre is extremely controversial so trying to not post ANYTHING about it, because i dont want to be seen in a bad light. i honestly dont know if i should continue working on this project, keep it to myself or abandon it.
I might going to post it only on here and nowhere else.
Considering that most of yall loved the idea of me with some other users creating a furinfection/transfur game. sadly most of us are bad at scripting, i tried using GPT to make scripts, but this ended up backfiring as the scripts were very buggy. so, i decided, that human-made is better than machine. i will be very thankful for yall!
(Edited by UnicattyLT)
I can't find a good reason why it was removed other than to replace it with stupid pseudo shork