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I played you silly little game!! I like it so far!
If the vandal contines.
I will have to make a replacement wiki and delete eveything I can off this one.
Help is appritiated.
Every page on the newer fan wiki will be protected.
Only people I trust will be mods.
And stay out.
This is proof that the mods are corrupted they used bots against people that have groups to ban all of them this is from a group called the G.E.F I was the leader of it, and I am posting this image to show that this KP mods are corrupted, and that are breaking Roblox TOS
I feel like with these redesigns it will spark a unique light like they once were long ago. (If your allergic to long posts, don't read it.)
These were the grey wolves during 3.1.
They all were the same, yet unique.
With their expressions,
(Yes I pulled the Jammer ones from the new official wiki because this wiki doens't have them)
They had this dynamic that name them seem perferct or/and related.
They also had unique emotes to each one of them.
Fed an Adjust and Fedora trick
Shade had Wear
Night Shade had Wear, and Stare (the rock stare lmao)
Jammer had Diversion.
Unit 3.1R came along
And that spark.. fizzled out.
Sure, they all still look related, and Jammer's and Fed's expressions are different.
But Shade and Night Shade just became twins.
With the same recolored expressions.
Fed lost the Adjust ability, mommentarily lost the Fedora trick ability before its brief readdion
Shade lost its "Wear" abiliy
Night Shade lost both is "Wear" AND " Stare" ability.
But Jammer kept Diversion.
Jammer and Fed felt unique, but Shade and Night Shade lost that flair.
But with the coming redesigns.
I hope they'll have that unique flair again. Shade and Night Shade don't look like recolors, They all have different fur color depending on their stripe colors.
And their tails won't look so weirdly little!!!
(here's what they look like rn, I always found weird looking)
And hey, look! looks like Jammer will have more than just headphones!
I also suspect they'll change the idle animations!!!
I can't find a good reason why it was removed other than to replace it with stupid pseudo shork
I'm kinda sad I missed out on being able to play as a Plantix (I joined late 2024)
But I have the creator-approved Plantix ugc so I guess that at least is good...
So apparently there's a scrapped raytraxian named Roxide. It was supposed to be a glow stick raytrax.
The idea of a glowstick Raytrax is GENIUS, so if community designs are scrapped, why not have the devs make their own glowstick ray with the same concept, but different design?
Y'know I thought it would be advised for all the Blackout Raytraxians in KP to camouflage with the darkness.
ALL of them.. glow in the dark.. The only closest one is NC without any Cosmetics The others can be seen and Jammer and Night Shade LITERALLY HAVE OUTLINES in a Blackout!!!
The only other stealthy one during a BO was the now removed PANTHER.
I found these on Pinterest. they were posted by Pollen_Pallida and they are supposedly a dev exclusive
Please let me know if these are fake I'm not good at telling if something is fake !!!!
Oh yeah and here's the comment that said it was dev exclusive
Can someone tell me what's on its forehead please?
I found it in the history of "Upcoming raytraxians"
this existed before i think but im making one
none of the gootrax (yes im not calling it a raytrax fight me) models in the game
are taken directly from old kp, they start off as rigs and they end up being a very inaccurate gootrax
The guy who found the original Shimo concept art image got f*cking this one right.
Because telemon (the guy who leaked it) found a bunch of other things that got canceled, but out of all of this (Except Wisp, because at the time he found it when it was name d"Niyso" or whatever)
Shimo was the only one that was correct
(Edited by DiamondTK287)
So basically, the bestiary icons from 3.1R onward appear to be pixel art. Does anyone know the dimensions?
i understand that they dont wanna be associated with changed and all but like
"im a goo main" sounds more normal
"im a ray main" ......girl what
(Edited by TheForkHoldinASporkAlt)
Idk if anyone else would agree but if shamrock shares the same abilities as slimepup I feel like instead of it giving the normal credits upon death they should give extremely small amounts of credits upon death, like for a full kill it could be 5 and for assist it could be 2 or 3. This is because they wouldn't be able to defend themselves properly unlike other gootraxians so giving a human same amount of credits as a goo who can properly defend themselves when killing a shamrock would be unfair(?).
Let me know if I missed something, misunderstood something, or if I didn't explain something right pls ! -w-