⭐ Gootrax created by: Mysticalesta
The Carneline was a Power Outage exclusive Raytraxian. It could be obtained by touching the Red Crystals, similar to obtaining Panthers and Kaijus. Carneline’s replacement is named Manic.
Bestiary Description
Carneline are feline Gootraxians with thick purple fur and reddish-pink horns and markings around their bodies and markings along their bodies composed of crystalline material. Internal structures and what would be bone in their bodies is instead composed of blue crystalline filaments similar to their large crystals dotted around the cave they're known to frequent. This can be seen more clearly when the horns on their heads are broken off or damaged. While it's unclear how they live and age so to speak, "younger" or less mature individuals have bright red horns and markings closer in color to the red crystals seen around the cave. This color becomes pinker as they mature. In addition, the thick around their neck and chest contains fine crystal particles that make up some kind of unusual crystalline dust.
The facility may sometimes experience low power outages, and in this case the electricity usage will be heavily limited and cause the crystals in the cave to turn bright red. Carneline are seen a lot more than usual during these periods of time and seem to be more active.
With reddish-pink, crystalline horns and growths covering their bodies, Carnelines only appear to show themselves during the power outages the facility may spontaneously experience. The crystal growths covering Carneline's bodies are made of similar elements to that of the larger crystals sprouting inside the cave - however these feline Gootraxians' internal body structure is an entirely different story, with muscle and bone instead being a hard, blue, yet flexible crystalline material that seems to be highly durable. This sought-after material can be seen more easily by breaking any of the crystals protruding from their body, particularly their horns. The powder-like crystal dust in their thick neck fur is almost if not just as mysterious as their internal crystalline material, as it appears to have unusual magnetic properties.
Keep an eye on the crystals in the cave when low power outages occur.
The Carneline is cat-like in appearance with predominantly purple fur and with extruding red crystal chunks in the upper torso and knee region. Along with red glowing claws and horns, it also has a big, fluffy tail with a bright red glowing pattern at the top.
Additionally, the Carneline emits a hue of reddish light from their body which can be visible even during post-power outage.
As of the V3D Update, it receives a slight redesign with its eyes now more larger, and its eye color has its cyan whites. Its crystals and eyes now glow brighter and it now has cheek fluff.
Does a decent amount of damage to a foe.
Grabs the enemy. Does more damage the longer the grab is active. The grab can be negated by somebody attacking you, or the victim breaking out of the grab by pressing the spacebar enough times.
Power Outage Buff (Passive)
Carneline will deal bonus damage dealing up to 50 dmg upon using their attack tool for the duration of the Power Outage.
Once it ends, the Carneline will deal normal damage relative to the other Raytraxians.
- It is a community creation, designed and modelled by Mysticalesta, creator of Panther and Lantern Shork.
- The Carneline is currently one of the only Raytraxians that can blink, along with Slime Pup, Kaiju, Ghost Fox, and Sprinklekit.