Kaiju Paradise Fan Wiki

Crawlipede is a centipede-like Raytraxian that debuted in 3.3.1 hallows

⭐ Raytrax created by: Party (AKA eelparty)

Bestiary Description[]

A creature fashioned after Chilopoda, the Crawlipedes are a predatory type of raytrax accidentally created of mutated pests that managed their way into the facility, with brown fur and a long multi-segmented tail, utilized for both climbing and deterring pesky creatures that get too close - favouring their personal space from unfamiliar foes.

Crawlipedes can be found in the darkest corners of the facility and where that may draw shade away from the blinding lights above, being highly social within their own species and vocalizing so; their chirrups and screeches audible from around the caverns.

To those outside of their tight-knit social circles; they can be extremely advantageous and unpredictable, favouring toying with strangers - however, if taken by surprise, will flail their large tails and flee.


Crawlipede is a brownish grey centipede-like bug Raytraxian with red, reddish-orange, and orange lines and spikes that resemble an exoskeleton, along with 4 arms which have 2 similarly red claws each, orange scleras, and red pupils. It has a long tail resembling the body of a centipede, with several long red-tipped orange spikes at its end. They also have 2 sharp antennae on its head with a similar red-to-orange gradient-like pattern. Its feet share the same claws as its hands, though with 2 digits instead of 3. Its underbelly is a darker brown than its main body color, and appears fuzzy despite its otherwise bug-like appearance.



Does a decent amount of damage to a foe.


Grabs the enemy. Does more damage the longer the grab is active. The grab can be negated by somebody attacking you, or the victim breaking out of the grab by rapidly pressing the highlighted button(s) enough times.

"Get Out of Here!" (Tail Swing)[]

Its swings the tail at up to 2 players, dealing around 15 damage and a fair bit of knockback.

Wall Climb (Passive)[]

It can climb up walls, limited by a stamina bar.


  • As of 3.3.1, Crawlipede does not in fact have its passives and abilites.
  • Crawlipede's concept art, though created by Party, has the signature/watermark "uufojj." This is simply an alternative username that they use.
  • Like Mimic and (possibly) Protobear, its model has been finished as of August 25th, 2024.
  • Crawlipede's grab animation reuses the "Ride" tool animation.
    • This means when you grab someone as a Crawlipede, you cannot move them. They move you.
  • This is the first community creation Raytraxian to be released in 2024.
    • And also the first Raytrax to be released since the discontinuation of the community creation program.
  • Crawlipede is the first Raytraxian with 4 arms.
  • Crawlipede is smaller than humans
    • The height difference is that Crawlipede is at height 0.8 while a human is at 1.0

