The FAMAS is an exclusive weapon in Kaiju Paradise.
How to obtain
Spawn Locations
- Because this weapon is restricted to VIP servers, it is unable to spawn within the map.
Other Methods
With VIP commands, you can obtain the FAMAS.
The command is “:sp [player name] famas
”. (For yourself, put “me” instead)
The FAMAS is a decent, if not excellent assault rifle.
While it does deal less damage than the SCAR PDW (6 < 6.25), its rate of fire & high durability makes up for it. The FAMAS is capable of killing most Gootraxians in around 17 hits, assuming all shots land on the target, & they are unable to heal back any health.
It is also quite accurate, though being a rifle, it’d obviously fare much better against a shotgun such as the Spas-12 or AA-12.
As a Human
- Due to its rate of fire, it can be used as a bullet hose to quickly mow down any Gootraxian in your way, if they don’t react quickly enough.
- Being a ranged weapon, it is also highly accurate at all ranges, meaning you can use it as a sharpshooting weapon from afar.
- Though, if you do choose to sharpshoot, it’ll require precise shooting, as even the FAMAS is not immune to inaccuracy.
- Due to its durability of 200, you can use up to 7 clips + 20 rounds before the gun overheats.
As a Gootraxian
- When you run out of ammo, it’ll take 4 seconds to reload. Use this to your advantage.
- Do keep in mind that due to the FAMAS’s practically non-existent cooldown, they can weapon-switch and hit you with whatever else they may have.
- During the 2021 April Fool’s Event, the FAMAS, along with other guns, could be purchased from Abble’s shop with tokens.
- The FAMAS is commonly associated with France, due to its iconic shape, & the fact that it was designed & manufactured there.