⭐ Raytrax created by: Snowdoggie100
The Ghost Fox is a foxlike Raytraxian. It can be obtained by stepping in any pool of water with a Broken Taser. If you are successful, a brief animation will play of your character getting shocked, falling, then finally get up transformed into a Ghost Fox. It may also be obtained by being infected by another Ghost Fox.
Bestiary Description
Old Bestiary Description
A spirit of a fox with bright blue fur and really bright blue tips, and has two tails. Ghost foxes are just ghosts, when felt harm it disappears. If there's no light, they are really hard to see once hit, it'll take some time to notice their transparent-almost gone bodies. They fear the sun so that's probably why they Raytrax around in the cave and facility. You can walk through a Ghost fox sometimes, but they can control that. Sometimes you can, sometimes... you can't.
They are 60% water, 30% air, 2% electric and goo, and 8% of air leaks out., aka some steam. Ghost foxes can only feel 2 emotions, happy and sad. Usually neutral, but the second most common emotion is sadness, no one knows why. They fear humans, so they hurt them for self-defense.
Current Bestiary Description
Appearing to resemble ghostly spirits Raytraxing the Laminax facility, Ghost Foxes are timid Raytraxians that tend to stray away from light and use their translucent, incorporeal bodies to hide away from attackers that may attempt to harm them.
While mostly gaseous, they are capable of discharging hefty shocks of electricity, and use them to incapacitate those they want to infect. However, they seem to fear humans and tend to only fight back in self-defense.
Be careful handling any tasers you may find around the facility and try not to drop them in water.
The Ghost Fox is mostly pale blue in color, with a paler blue on the tips of its limbs, muzzle, tail, underbelly, and inner ear. The Ghost Fox is unique in the sense that it possesses two tails and is, as its name implies, a ghost.
Does a decent amount of damage to a foe.
Grabs the enemy. Does more damage the longer the grab is active. The grab can be negated by somebody attacking you, or the victim breaking out of the grab by rapidly pressing the highlighted button(s) enough times.
Lightning Lunge
Lunge forward, turning into a pale blue cloud followed by an electric trail; humans caught in the trail will be stunned. This ability can only be used if the dash bar is full.
Invisibility (Passive)
Upon being hit by a weapon, you will temporarily go almost completely translucent, which can be used as a quick retreat from your attacker. Be wary when you run, because the particles when running will not be invisible. This effect does not stack, and has a hidden cooldown between hits.
- It is a community creation, designed by Snowdoggie100.
- Snowdoggie100 also created Sinox.
- It is the only Raytraxian with the invisibility ability
- The ghost variants of Slime creatures and Charem were also given this ability, before they were removed.
- Ghost Foxes can be healed by being hit by a taser.
- As of 3.3.1, Ghost Fox has been given actual electricity-like patterns visible during .
- It, along with Lang, Carneline, and Kaiju, were the first Raytraxians to have gotten face redesigns. (Early 3.1)
- They were also one of the first Raytraxians to blink, alongside Sprinklekit, Mochi, Slime Pup, Carneline, and Kaiju.
- As of 3.3, every Raytraxian has been redesigned and given the ability to blink.
- They were also one of the first Raytraxians to blink, alongside Sprinklekit, Mochi, Slime Pup, Carneline, and Kaiju.
- Ghost Fox used to also be obtainable if you were in the blast radius of Protogen or Dark Protogen's "Self Destruct" ability.
- This made Ghost Fox one of the only Raytraxians with more than two ways to become it (alongside Toxic Rabbit), until Protogen and Dark Protogen were removed.