The Knife is a swift, fast attacking weapon. An effective tool for clean up on low health Gootraxians.
There are a bunch of knife skins, if you want a guide on how to get them, please visit Here
- Cafeteria, behind the counter and on the top shelf near the door.
- Cafeteria, on a shelf near the entryway.
- A fast attacking weapon, useful as a clean up or prep tool.
- This weapon deals pretty small damage compared to other weapons. Mostly used as chip damage, as well as the fact it doesn't even stun. However, the speed makes up for it.
- This weapon has below average durability, but it can take a few hits.
- The cooldown is extremely quick, it attacks practically as soon as the animation finishes.
- By holding down click, you have the ability to throw the knife, dealing 20 damage from a range, but using 3 points of durability from the knife, and giving you a 3 second cooldown.
- A strong, quick low damage weapon. Use this to finish off low health opponents or lower them in preparation for your main tool.
- This weapon is pretty disposable, as it's fairly common. It's not a bad idea to keep one on you at all times.
- It's recommended to mostly use the knife as a ranged weapon instead of a melee. While it's fairly outclassed by other melees who do its job just as well, it's ranged capabilities give it a degree of utility. And considering that the Bricks are the only other ranged weapon in normal servers, along with the fact that Bricks aren't meant for killing, means that the Knife serves its role in a player's arsenal well. Being able to finish off even fleeing opponents who are a short distance away.
- This weapon was added on the massive V3 Update.
- This weapon used to be purchasable through Abble's shop, but was removed with addition of the late winter update.
- If you throw a knife directly into any door or garage door buttons, it will temporarily break the button for 15 seconds, making it unusable (this depends on which side of the “garage doors” you threw).
- Just like the Brick, you are able to throw the Knife at a crystal in the Crystal Cave, which will cause it to pulse and create a small explosion, flinging the players around it and damaging them in the process.

Golden Knife