- AA-12
- Abble
- Apple
- Axe (Fireaxe)
- Azarue
- Badges
- Bagel
- Baguette
- Banana
- Bandit
- Bat
- Bestiary
- Black Bucket
- Blackout
- Blaxor
- Bloxy Cola
- Bosses
- Bottle
- Bread
- Brick
- Broken Taser
- Buck
- Burger
- Cafeteria
- Cake
- Candy Cane
- Candy Canes
- Cargo Bay
- Carneline
- Catte
- Chainsaw
- Charem
- Cheese Sandwich
- Chris Pratt Room
- Claymore Roomba
- Codes
- Colt Python
- ConeKat
- Contraband
- Covrus
- Crate
- Crawlipede
- Credits
- Crowbar
- Crystal Cave
- Crystal Smog
- Customer Service
- Dagoda
- Dark Protogen
- Diamond Slime Hound
- Diamond Slime Pup
- Diamond Slime Pup Dragon
- Donut
- Dual Desert Eagle
- Dual Mac-10
- Elevators
- Emergency Bay
- Emergency Flashlight
- Emoji
- Emotes
- Famas
- Fashui
- Fed
- Fedora
- Feizao
- Festive Variants
- Figs
- Flooded Area
- Food Items
- G27
- Garden
- Gas Area
- Ghost Fox
- Glubby
- Golden Slime Hound
- Golden Slime Pup
- Golden Slime Pup Dragon
- Golden Weapons
- Gun Roomba
- Halloween Candy
- Hazmat Suit
- Hazzy
- Headphones
- Hebi
- Hebi Bombarder
- Hex
- IT
- Ice Cream
- Ice Cream Sandwich
- Jammer
- Kaiju
- Kaiju Basher
- Kaiju Paradise Fan Wiki
- Katana
- Kawaii Bat
- Kawaii Shork
- Kentagi
- Knife
- Laminax
- Laminax Prototype
- Landmine
- Lang
- Lantern Shork
- Lemon Shork
- Lemon Slice
- Lloco
- Long Pipe
- M134
- M4A1
- M60
- Mac-10
- Machete
- Manic
- Manic Striker
- Mechanics
- Medkit
- Mercenaries
- Mimic
- Mochi
- Moth
- Mysterious Goggles
- Night Shades
- Nightcrawler
- Nightshade
- Nuclear Rabbit
- Nunchunks
- Orange Bucket
- Pain
- Panther
- Party Bash
- Party Hat
- Party Hat Variants
- Partyena
- Pipe
- Piñata
- Plantix
- Plushie
- Power Outage
- Present
- Protogen
- Pseudo Shork
- Pup Hideout
- RPG-7
- Rainbow Slime Hound
- Rainbow Slime Pup
- Rainbow Slime Pup Dragon
- Raytraxian
- Sam
- Saturn
- Scrapped Gootraxians
- Scythe
- Secret Room
- Shade
- Shades
- Shamrock
- Shimo
- Shop
- Shork
- Sinox
- Sircu
- Skin Recipes
- Skins
- Sledge Hammer
- Slime Hound
- Slime Pup
- Slime Pup Dragon
- Smore
- Snaptrap
- Soap
- Soundtracks
- Spas-12
- Spawn
- Sprinklekit
- Spunky
- Strange Bandana
- Strange Collar
- Strange Crystal
- Strange Flower
- Strange Fruit
- Strange Lab Coat
- Support Caves
- Taco
- Taser
- Tavish
- Testtemplate
- The Final Experiment
- The Map
- The Purification
- Tiger Shork
- Tips & Tricks
- Tokens
- Torch
- Toxic Rabbit
- Toxic Waste Barrels
- Transmogrifying Items
- Trystan
- Trystan Cola
- Upcoming Gootraxians
- Updates
- VIP commands
- Vending Machines
- Watermelon Slice
- Weapons & Tools
- Wisp
- Witchbrew
- Witchbrew (Drink)
- YOW!!
- Zombie