M134 is a private-server exclusive weapon in Kaiju Paradise.
- M134 is impossible to obtain under normal circumstances, therefore it cannot be found around the map.
- (Use ":Give me M134" or ":Give me gun" in private server)
The M134 will dish out very good damage killing in 27 hits, the fire-rate is extremely fast making it very deadly against most Gootraxian that its pointed at, however it should be noted that the M134 has a downside this comes at cost of speed on your character because of it's heavy weight the user will move very slow and will not allow you to sprint putting you at a disadvantage when it comes to Gootraxian approaching you fast; furthermore it has some start lag taking around 1 second to activate before shooting, it isn't good at long range but is fairly formidable at mid range and below.
- When you are going to use the M134 make sure to be at a far distance first, this gives you enough time to activate the M134 in time and shoot at your enemies.
- The M134 has the highest ammo capacity out of all the other guns, coming out at a massive 600 shots, and has the most for a single clip 150 shots surpassing the M60
- The M134 used to be named "Blaxor's M134" however was changed and renamed in a v3.1 Part 1.4
- The M134 is the only gun to put a debuff on your stats, in this case speed, it also seems to have 8 barrels instead of 6 that the M134 Minigun has irl.
- The M134 is also just simply called "Minigun" the "Mini" part references how small the M134 is when compared to other rotary cannons on military aircraft, while the "Gun" part is based off the fact the M134 uses rifle ammunition (7.62x51mm NATO rounds) rather than shells other rotary cannons use.
- M134 Minigun had development initially start in 1960 with it being first produced in 1962 with its use being against helicopters and armored vehicles.
- M134 is considered a Rotary Medium Machine Gun possessing a caliber of 7.62 mm and utilizing 7.62x51mm NATO rounds, it isn't considered a Heavy Machine Gun due to it having multiple barrels, it also isn't considered a Heavy Machine Gun due to it firing 7.62x51mm NATO rounds.
- The M134 Minigun would be very difficult to even hold as by default it weighs around 85 pounds (Ib) its weight can be reduced to 41 pounds (Ib) from the lightweight modification which is still pretty heavy, because of this it is typically mounted onto vehicles.
- M134 has no reload animation.
- The M134 has a very similar model to the minigun from Rise of the Dead.