Kaiju Paradise Fan Wiki

The Manic Striker is a weapon in Kaiju Paradise that has a 1/8 chance to drop when killing a Manic. This weapon is also obtainable to buy via Bandit´s Shop for ROBLOX Premium users. The Manic Striker is effectively a direct upgrade to the bat.

This weapon is very similar to the Kaiju Basher as well as the Hebi Bombarder, as the Manic Striker is simply just a recolor of those two weapons.

There are currently no Manic Striker skins as of 3.1v.


  • Abble's Shop. (Roblox Premium members exclusive)
  • Occasionally dropped by Manic Gootraxians upon death


  • Like its counterpart it is a direct upgrade to the bat, more durable than your average wooden cracker.
  • Moderately disposable during a Power Outage, however it can be pretty difficult to get again when there isn't a Power Outage.


  • Effectively a direct upgrade from the bat, it is better to use in combat and can be used to stun or ragdoll away your opponent.


  • Upon killing your opponent with this weapon, the opponent will be struck with lightning from above. This only works if you are in the Crystal Cave.
  • In an older version it would explode into blue crystals. This was a bug.
  • Upon breaking text will display "The dark crystalized bat snapped in half."