Kaiju Paradise Fan Wiki


Aging (old OST)

Nightshade is a Blackout-exclusive Raytraxian obtainable by going to where the Shades normally spawn but during a Blackout and there you will find a pair of Night Shades spawning in their place. Put them on and shortly afterward you will transform into a Nightshade.




Nightshade has grey fur with a light grey underbelly (very similar like the rest of the grey wolves and/or its counter part Shade) however instead of green stripes on its body like its counterpart, they have purple spot/curved like patterns that glow in the dark, And and instead of having black "rubber like sunglasses" they have a pair of purple Shutter Shades (or Night Shades).

The VIP variant has orange patterns, orange shades, and a boombox with orange outlines.



Does a decent damage to a foe.


Grabs the enemy. Does more damage the longer the grab is active. The grab can be negated by somebody attacking you, or the victim breaking out of the grab by rapidly pressing the highlighted button(s) enough times.

Boombox (VIP variant only)

The Nightshade holds out a boombox, clicking with this tool equipped will cause the Nightshade to start head-bobbing as its boombox plays Jams VIP.


  • Upon being infected by a Nightshade before 3.1r, you could not use the Wear or Stare tools nor would you have the summer shades.
  • To become a VIP Nightshade in a private server, you will have to type in the command ":tf [username] nightshade;vip=true". You can also use ":tf [username] nightshade;vip=true;skip=true" to skip the wait to become it.
    • It only works if you have Nightshade discovered in the bestiary.
  • The item "IT" has the same face as Nightshade.
  • When becoming a Nightshade, there is a small chance of you becoming a VIP Nightshade (1/30 (3.33333333%)) with a orange outline and a music option using the Boombox tool. Previously however, becoming VIP Nightshade, you would instead have a rainbow outline.
  • During the April Fools 2022 update, the updating screen would be an Orange Nightshade dancing to a remixed version of Revenge, a popular Minecraft song parody.
  • When doing the California emote while holding the boombox, Nightshade will play an 8-bit version of California Girls.
  • When doing the Smug emote while holding the boombox, Nightshade will play a muffled version of Transit.
    • This works with Jammer aswell.
  • The longer a VIP Nightshade is alive, the more credits it will give you when you kill it.

