⭐ Raytrax created by: Snowdoggie100
The Sinox is a Blackout-Exclusive Raytraxian. It is obtainable by wearing a Strange Lab Coat during Blackouts. There is approximately a 1/8 chance to be transfurred.
Sinox is a wolf-like Raytraxian. It has purple fur with a light purple muzzle and underbelly, and Seafoam/mint green. It also has dark purple forearms and neck fluff. They have A (typically) smug expression, and a motif of X-shapes sparsely around their body. Their Seafoam/mint green patterns and bright purple paws glow during any non-regular event.
With dazzling bioluminescent patterns, Sinox use their fur that produces a unique chemical similar to glowstick fluid to light up the dark environments they wander during blackouts.
Strangely aggressive to other Raytraxians, they tend to stay well away from large groups of them. The luminous chemical fluid their markings produce also doesn't seem to lose its luminosity overtime, making it a strong point of interest for research. They tend to use lab coats lying around for warmth in the cold and dark caves, and as a byproduct leave this glowing chemical behind in them, infecting anyone who happens to wear one that's been contaminated.
Be careful wearing any lab coats during blackouts, they could be contaminated.
With dazzling bioluminescent patterns, Sinox use their fur that produces a unique chemical similar to glowstick fluid to light up dark environments they wander during blackouts. Strangely aggressive to other Gootraxians, they tend to stay well away from large groups of them but seem to enjoy the company of Slime Pups instead, helping guide them around the facility with their glow. The luminous chemical fluid their markings produce also doesn't seem to lose its luminosity over time, making it a strong point of interest for research. They tend to use lab coats lying around for warmth in the cold and dark caves, and as a byproduct leave this glowing chemical behind in them, infecting anyone who happens to wear one that's been contaminated.
Be careful wearing any lab coats during blackouts, they could be contaminated.
Does a decent amount of damage to a foe.
Grabs the enemy. Does more damage the longer the grab is active. The grab can be negated by somebody attacking you, or the victim breaking out of the grab by rapidly pressing the highlighted button(s) enough times.
Wear (Cosmetic)
Sinox is able to equip & unequip lab coats by interacting with coat hangers. This does not increase health or defense, and is entirely cosmetic.
- Sinox is a community creation, designed by Snowdoggie100, who is also the the creator of the Ghost Fox.
- Sinox's design was inspired by Snowdoggie's Animal Jam avatar.
- Originally, Sinox was supposed to be a fox, but Snowdoggie changed their mind and instead made them into a wolf.
- If you are transformed into Sinox by the Strange Lab Coat, small white particles will surround you once transformed.
- It takes about 28 seconds to be infected after putting on the Strange Lab Coat.
- Sinox has a blue glow under it that can be used as a minor light source during darker events.
- The Strange Lab Coat can be used to see in the dark slightly better and be a risky replacement for any light producing items or item skins, such as flashlight, batsaber, aureate, etc. It will only be a matter of time until you get infected, however, so you must be quick to find another rack of coats to unequip it with.
- It is the second Raytraxian to have the ability to equip a wearable, the other being Hazzy.
- The Potion Sinox skin is the first skin to have a transparent body