Weapon skins can be obtained from crates. These doesn't affect gameplay and only serves as a cosmetic purpose.
Please keep in mind that this is a page for weapon skins, not Gootraxian Cosmetics.
All Skins
Exclusive Skins
Obtained by transfurring into a golden slime variant.
Has a sword-like appearance despite being a bat skin. Has a yellow glow along the blade.
Nailed Bat
Obtained by joining the game's official group.
A lot of nails shoved into the normal and boring bat skin. Drops nails upon hit!
Absolute Zero
Obtained by killing a golden pup
Makes your bat look similar to ice."bat so cool!! it cold!! i go brrrrrrr..." - Abble
- Makes your bat transparent.
- Gives your bat faint ice/coldness particles.
- Gives a cool effect when killing Gootraxian (Traps the Gootrax in an ice block, with the ice block, along with the Gootrax's body, breaking into pieces a second later).
Rainbow Bat
Obtained by feeding a strange crystal to a pup
Causes your Bat to fade to the rainbow spectrum."it change color!! light go many color!! super cool!!" - Abble
- Adds a Light emission of 1.25
- Adds a rainbow trail
(Obtained by getting a 15 kill streak)
It makes your Bat burst aflames. Burns any Gootraxians that dares to touch it... e-except it doesn't actually deal burn damage, and all damage is normal. Similar to the Scorched Skin."this bat hot!!.. but fire no hurt my kind.." - Abble
- Changes Hit SFX
- Adds Burn FX
- Causes Gootraxians to Char to death upon being dealt fatal damage by this bat.
- Adds a Light emission of 0.5
Chroma Aureate
Chroma Aureate is similar to the golden Aureate bat skin, but it is multicolored instead of yellow. This bat is only obtainable by official Transfur Contributors (users who have created transfur designs for the game).
Golden Wrench
Sudden Catastrophe
"is that a... burrito?" - Abble
A regular bat, just with a burrito in it. It is a reference to the 2021 Roblox shutdown, the burrito being a reference to the Chipotle event. Changes hit sound to glass shattering. Was obtainable until November 8th 2021.
Metal Bat
Causes the bat to be Metallic, does it deal anymore damage? Unfortunately not.
- Changes Hit SFX
Changes your bat to Adurite that comes from volcanic caverns or Adurite meteors.
Colored Metal skins
- Blackiron, Bluesteel, Bluediamond
Blackiron turns your bat to become iron, but black.
Bluesteel turns your bat into.. What it says is what it says, it isn't even a real material.
Bluediamond provides the same thing with Bluesteel, except it's diamond this time.
It looks like lava.
Caution! This bat can hit very hard.. it actually doesn't.
I think this is based off the ROBLOX Wanwood accessory series and Roblox just pasted the textures on different meshes, idk who actually owns these.
Colored Bat skins
- Cyan Bat, Orange Bat, Pink Bat, Yellow Bat, Blue Bat, Green Bat, White Bat, Red Bat
Wow, that's a lot of colors.
Mine Diamonds.
Kaiju Bat
"me fren try make basher but fail.. so they tel me sell this.." - Abble
It looks like a budget Kaiju Basher, the "Crystals" appears to be drawn on sticky notes and scotch taped to a blue bat
- Upon a Successful hit, it'll shoot out a bunch of "Crystals"
- The "Crystals" have a light emission of 1
Outlined Bat
"it inside?? or out?? me confused!!" - Abble
The Bat is now outlined, does this mean its cool? uuuhhhhh I don't know that's your opinion.
- Causes the bat to be outlined
Camo skins
- Desert Camo, Jungle Camo, Snow Camo
Y'know, so you can blend in with the desert, jungle and snow! ... Wait a minute.
Colored "Scent" skins
- Honey, Lime, Rose
Aka the colored bats but add more jazz.
Sparkle skins
- Blue Sparkle, Red Sparkle, Green Sparkle
Doesn't actually sparkle... What a ripoff!
Spiky Club
Ah yes, a club. Perfect for bashing Gootraxians.
Linked Sword
"sword???, sword!!" - Abble
A Sword from Roblox's old 2006 days, looks pretty sharp.
- Changes Swing SFX
- Changes Hit SFX
"nom nom!! french!?" - Abble
It appears to be a piece of bread, that is eaten by the French.
- Changes Swing SFX to the ROBLOX Linked Sword Lunge SFX
- Changes Hit SFX
Hand over tha chedda'
Time-of-Day skins
- Dawn, Dusk, Midnight
What time is it?
Hello Mr. Anderson.
What did you do??
- Changes Hit SFX
Nice stick.
- Can only be crafted, happens by rare chance when combining skins for a rare skin.
Copper Shortsword
A Terraria reference? Nice!
- Obtained by combining all colored bats
- Changes swing SFX into the Terraria swing sound
- Changes hit SFX
- Has a small chance to play the Terraria damage sound when attacking a player
Ultra Rare
- Has a green glowing effect and trail
- Changes hit SFX
Molten Sword
- Exclusive to the Diamond Crate
"big spoon!!" - Abble
- Changes the bat hit sound to metal bat hit sound
- Idle animation is changed when King Bach from the meme Only a Spoonful pulls out a comically large spoon
- When equipping it for the first time in a server, it will play the "Only a Spoonful" sound effect.
White stick
"Colorless stick..." - Abble
- White reskin of stick
- Gives a cool effect when killing a Gootraxian. (Turns red and soon disintergrates)
- Can only be crafted (See Skin Recipes)
Batsaber skins
- Blue Batsaber, Red Batsaber, Green Batsaber
Haha! A batsaber!
- Changes hit SFX
- Adds a glowing effect
- Outlines the hit target in Blue, Red or Green depending on the skin
Looks suspiciously like a certain fishy musician...
- Only obtainable via the Unusual Gift
Crystal Gasher
- Exclusive to the Diamond Crate
Face Cooler
A rock guitar that plays Freedom Dive? Sick, bro!
- When on idle, it plays FREEDOM DiVE (Metal Dimensions) from the album Parousia, though remixed by cosMo@暴走P
- Changes hit SFX to guitar banging SFX
Face Melter
"it play moosix!! wowow!!" - Abble
What a sacrificial guitar, don't you think?.
- When on idle, it plays Sacrifice by Andromida
- Changes hit SFX to a guitar banging SFX
- This skin used to play Cultist Base from Doom Eternal
Chocolate Reign
Chocolate with electrical music!
- When on idle, it plays Track 01 - THUNDER FORCE IV - Lightning Strikes Again - Metal Squad
- Changes hit SFX to a guitar banging SFX
- Can only be crafted (See Skin Recipes)
RGB Batsaber
Basically the other Batsabers... But it's rainbow!
- Can only be crafted (See Skin Recipes)
- In the Blackout event, the Batsaber turns to pure white, to match the crystals and puddles.
Nebula skins
- Nebula G, Nebula Y, Nebula P
Looks a lot like space...
- Adds a glowing effect on its respective Nebula skins
Looks similar to Aureate, but instead of yellow it's green.
- Adds a glowing effect
- Only obtainable via the Purified Crate
"ooh!! i wonder where this from!!" - Abble
My sweet pareidolia...
- When on idle, it plays the instrumental verison of Pareidolia from Call of Duty: Black Ops Shangri-La
- Changes hit SFX to guitar banging SFX
- Can only be crafted (See Skin Recipes)
- Changes death animation to the enemy floating up as a ghost
- Adds a foggy yellow trail
And now in death; bring me life!
- When on idle, it plays the instrumental version of Coming Home From Call of Duty: Black Ops Shangri-La
- Changes hit SFX to guitar banging SFX
- Can only be crafted (See Skin Recipes)
- Changes death animation to the enemy burning, leaving a a dark area of where it the foe burnt
- Adds a foggy red trail
Exclusive Skins
"it glowing!! filled with powarrrr!!.." - Abble
Obtained by getting a 40 kill streak.
Makes your Machete look like ones that were created from the Overseer Faction, a faction infamous in roblox history.
- Adds a Light emission of 1
- Adds a Trail
- Upon a Successful hit, it'll create a Boxy Outline of the target
Common skins
A Tanto is a (usually) small Japanese sword used by samurais, how'd it get to Laminax? no clue.
- Changes Swing SFX
- Changes Hit SFX
You've been promoted! Now you get to fix the pipes instead of fighting off goo hoards. Hooray!
- Changes Swing SFX
- Changes Hit SFX
Ultra Rare
"it burning but not hot???!!" - Abble
A futuristic Machete, where did Laminax even get this? At least it looks cool in the Power Outages.
- Adds Neons
- Adds Burn Hit effect
- Adds a Particle Emitter of Blue Squares
Basically a circuit sword
- Only obtainable via the Purified Crate
Swift Calamity
A regular knife with a burrito stuck on it. It is a reference to the progress loss on Kaiju Paradise due to Roblox incidents. Obtainable by logging into the game for a short period after the V3.1 winter update.
Circuit Knife
Looks like the insides of any electronics, just a bunch of circuits... Don't ask how that works.
Dangerous Knife
Pretty Dangerous!
Domino Knife
Maybe you could play Dominoes with it?
Rose Knife
Pretty Flowers.
Cardboard Knife
Uhh... Cardboard? Never ordering a knife off of Ebay ever again.
Firework Knife
Wonder if it explodes?
Boom Knife
Looks like lava.
Linked Knife
Linked Sword but shorter.
Bark Knife
I wonder if slime pups bark...
Wanwood Knife
See Wanwood Bat, that but a knife.
Slate Knife
Time for a clean slate! Haha. I'm not funny..
Blue Steel Knife
I'm just gonna assume they used some bat materials to make knives.
Adurite Knife
Again, survival is survival I guess.
Checker Knife skins
- Green Checker, Pink Checker, Red Checker, Blue Checker, Yellow Checker
I have no clever words for these... Copy paste much?
Melon Knife
Oh my goodness gracious, is that a melon?
Bobux Knife
Get rich, kid.
Sparkle Peanut
I find this name really funny.
Cloud Knife
Definitely NOT soft.
I feel old now.
Emerald Knife
Maybe a villager will buy it... for 5 carrots.
It's daytime!
If only what's going on in Laminax Facility was nothing but a Dream...
Error Knife
"knife but no knife skin..??" - Abble
It appears to be a lost texture knife.
Au Knife
Knock off of a knock off?
Noob Knife
Ah, the good ol' days.
Hex Knife
Missing Knife
How did a not-pokemon get into this game?
Ultra Rare
Rainbow Knife
Another Galaxy-type skin.
Modern Art
Very modern if you ask me.
A ripoff golden.
Krypto Knife
Krypton, now you'll be Superman!
Plasmic Knife
Faded Memories
What happened? What was so memorable that it was kept in this knife?
Agony Knife
Truly agonizing.
Ultra Rare
Y'know, maybe you shouldn't be holding this.
- Changes Hit SFX
- Adds Burn FX
"face laughing axe!! scare meee.." - Abble
Hmm.. This looks similar from that drunken Scottish man from that class-based shooter Valve game!
- Has the appearance from the Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker from the FPS Valve game, Team Fortress 2
- Adds pink outline
Code xc
Uh oh.
Stop Sign
"I stole this from funny clown!!" - Abble
A stop sign used by the secondary antagonist of the Madness Combat series, Tricky the Clown.
- Plays the (full) Expurgation instrumental from the Friday Night Funkin' Tricky Mod
- Changes hitbox
Curse of Eclipse
"curse scythe!!" - Abble
The power of the Curse lies in your hands.
- Only obtainable by doing a certain ritual during the Hallows Eve Event during Bloodmoon
Clown Hammer
The true pinnacle of comedy.
- Changes hit SFX to squeaking SFX.
- Completely changes the sledgehammer's model to appear more humorous.
- Only obtainable via the Unusual Gift
- Was originally named "Ronin"
Toxic Waste
A mostly black katana with green markings
- Only obtainable via the Purified Crate
- This item used to be craftable, but it's ability to be crafted was eventually removed
Cosmic Dust
A cool lighting skin, looking like the universe.
- Adds a neon purple outline that subtly alternates between darker shades of purple and white, taking on a galactic effect.
- Adds a glowing, purple smoke-like effect, with small white dust-like dots that resemble stars in a galaxy.
- Can only be crafted (See Skin Recipes)
Uncommon Skins
Candycane Bat
Peppermint Bat
Rare Skins
Loyalcandy Bat
Sledgehammer skin.
Brick skin.
Ultra Rare Skins
Festive Energy Blade
Festive Periastron
Hockey Stick
Scythe skin.
Leftover Glucose
Knife skin.
Toy Brick
Brick skin.
Ginger Slicer
Katana skin.
Legendary Skins
Frost Club
bat skin
Festive Sword
bat skin
Frost Machete
Frost Scythe
Frost Knife
Frost Katana
Frost Bow
Brick skin.
Christmas Bow
Brick skin.
Legendary Skins
"BALLOON!!!!" - Abble
Balloon Bat
- Changes hit SFX to a squeaky balloon noise
Balloon Knife
- Changes hit SFX to a squeaky balloon noise
Balloon Machete
- Changes hit SFX to a squeaky balloon noise
Balloon Scythe
- Changes hit SFX to a squeaky balloon noise
Balloon Katana
- Changes hit SFX to a squeaky balloon noise
- Not all skins listed on this page can be crafted! Some are purely exclusive to crates/gifts, badges, etc. Most uncraftables are of Legendary rarity within crates.
- Skins from the Diamond Crate will sell for more credits. The reason for this is likely because the crate is extremely hard to obtain.
- Violence, Excelsus, and the Face Cooler sell for 7500 despite being in the Diamond Crate.
- Clown Hammer may be one of, if not the only legendary skin that sells for less than 7500 credits. The Clown Hammer sells for 1337 credits
Rarity is how rare an item skin is, going from common to unobtainable.
Common: Skin that can be found in most (if not, all) crates, appears in orange text and can be sold for 100 credits.
Uncommon: Slightly rarer skin that is found in all gifts and crates, appears in white text and can be sold for 300 credits.
Rare: A skin that's a bit rarer than uncommon, appears in yellow text and can be sold for 1,000 credits.
Ultra Rare: The second rarest skin you can get from a gift or crate, appears in light-blue text and can be sold for 3,500 credits.
Legendary: The rarest skin you can obtain from a gift or crate, appears in hot pink text and can be sold for 7,500 credits.
Exotic: Skins that are mainly only craftable, such as the Archangel and Chthonian. Appears in red text and can be sold for 15,000 credits.
Exclusive: A skin that can only be achieved from getting badges, such as 15 killstreak, A rare variant, etc. appears in green text but cannot be sold.
Unobtainable: Mainly a skin that is only available from specific actions, such as sudden catastrophe, only obtainable from playing at a specific matter of time, and the burrito brick skin, unlocked from a certain code. appears in purple text and can be sold for 13337 credits.