Spas-12 is a exclusive weapon in Kaiju Paradise.
- There are currently no known locations where you can find the Spas-12.
Spas-12 performs like a regular shotgun, blasting a burst of bullets that deal good damage to any Gootraxian that gets hit by it. However, because of its blast bullet radius it tends to be terrible at long range, therefore it is advised to use it at close range to get the most accuracy on your target.
- The Spas-12 takes around 4 shots to fully kill a gootraxian meaning you'd have to use more than half of your full clip to kill them, this makes it risky as you can only use 28 shells, or 4 whole "clips" of ammo before the Spas-12 is no longer usable and breaks.
- Keep in mind that when reloading it takes 7 seconds this gives the gootraxians a very good chance to attack you, however you are capable of shooting without fully reloading (Click while reloading) this will results in a much more rapid firing pace but in turn a much more slower kill rate.
- Spas-12 as mentioned before has inf range but is terrible at long range, however is very good at close range (due to it's burst of bullets with each shot)
- Spas-12 is only usable via an admin giving one to you, or using the :sp command in your private server.
- Spas-12 is an Italian weapon this is because it place of origin is from Italy.
- Spas-12 as stated before is capable of having its reload animation vary in speed from fast to slow, this is not possible on the other guns in-game.