Kaiju Paradise Fan Wiki

⭐Raytrax created by: YukaChaan

Sprinklekit is a cat-like Raytraxian. It is obtainable by eating five cones of Ice cream from the freezer located on the right of the Cafeteria. It is the replacement of the removed ConeKat. Depending on the flavor of the 5th ice cream you ate, you will turn into either a Chocolate, Strawberry, or Vanilla Sprinklekit. You can also become a Chocomint or Mint Sprinklekit during a Blackout.




Vanilla Variant

Sprinklekit is a primarily white cat-like Raytraxian. It has brown eyes. Its ears are large, with little tufts of fur around the tips and the bases. The insides of it's ears are a shade of light brown, with the same shade being used for its paws. Around its cheeks is a large amount of fur. Around the tops of its legs and arms are brown sprinkles that vary in shade. Its knees and elbows are highlighted in a pale brown shade. Its most striking feature is its ice cream cone tail, which consists of a scoop of dripping sprinkle-covered ice cream at its base, and a waffle cone near the tip.

Strawberry Variant

Sprinklekit's strawberry variant has an appearance similar to the vanilla variant, though with white fur covered in multicolored sprinkles that fade into a deep pink in the inner ears, cheeks, and knees, the same pink coloring the cone of its tail and spot markings. Darker pink outlines its face, chest fur, and paws.

Chocolate Variant

Sprinklekit's chocolate variant is sort of similar to the other 2 variants, but the Choco variant has dark brown fur with a lighter brown underbelly and darker brown stripes and swirls around its body. it also has white eyes and sprinkles, these white eyes can help blind a Hebi during a Blackout.

Mint Variant

Sprinklekit's mint variant has mint green fur with a dark mint green underbelly and has white and dark mint seashell like patterns, on its dark mint green fluff it has 3 white crystals that glow in the dark, and on its back it also appears to have these white glowing crystals. It also has 2 white horns on its head that glow in the dark. A mint sprinklekit's body is lightly covered in chocolate sprinkles.

Banana Variant

Sprinklekit's banana variant is similar to that of a banana split sundae, the banana variant is mainly vanilla (having a white underbelly and neck fluff and muzzle), but the left side it is banana flavored ice cream and the right side is strawberry flavored, with little chocolate and caramel swirls around its arms. on top of its head are 2 unpeeled bananas that act as horns, it also has a little cherry in the center of its chest fluff, it also has 2 little cherry's on its back. (all 3 of them glow in the dark) the top of its head is split into 2 flavors, being chocolate and strawberry. Its light yellow and light red eyes and always constantly shut and it has 2 red rosey cheeks on it face.



Does a decent amount of damage to a foe.


Grabs the enemy. Does more damage the longer the grab is active. The grab can be negated by somebody attacking you, or the victim breaking out of the grab by rapidly pressing the highlighted button(s) enough times or tapping the screen enough times.

Trail (Passive)

Sprinklekit leaves behind a trail the same color as it's fur when walking. Survivors who step in it are temporarily slowed down. The effect is increased the lower health you have. Humans can negate this slow effect by wearing a Hazmat Suit.

Melt (Passive)

If Sprinklekit stands in water, it will rapidly lose health.

Decreased HP (Passive)

Unlike most other Raytraxians, Sprinklekit has a total of 90 HP.


  • Sprinklekit was released in the Late christmas Update along with the Nightcrawler.
  • Sprinklekit has a 1/50 chance of giving the mint variant instead of the normal chocomint during a Blackout.
  • Sprinklekit, Protogen, Dark Protogen are the only Raytraxians that lose health when they touch water.
    • as of 3.1R, Protogen and Dark Protogen have been removed, so only Sprinklekit can melt in water (as of 3.3.1)
    • The removed ConeKat also had this effect.
  • According to YukaChaan, the sprinkles on the ice cream transfur you, and not the ice cream itself.
  • It currently has the biggest face fluff of any released Raytraxian.
    • This is now false. (as of 3.3.1)
  • Sprinklekit's creator, YukaChaan, has confirmed that Sprinklekit was based off of the Maine Coon cat breed.
  • You can transform into any of Sprinklekit's variants by typing in ":tf me sprinklekit;color=[strawberry,vanilla,chocolate,mint,chocomint]" (no brackets)
    • this was very similar to the way you transformed into ConeKat's variants.
  • Sprinklekit and Witchbrew have the same type of ears.
    • This was changed as of 3.3.1, Witchbrew now have different ears.
  • A Chocolate Sprinklekit's eyes can blind a Hebi in a Blackout.
    • This was also possible in the past with Panther
  • Sprinklekit used to only have the vanilla variant.
    • It was then changed to have vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, and mint as a command-only variant, before chocomint and mint were able to be obtained during Blackouts.
  • Sprinklekit's bestiary shows the strawberry variant, and has since even before any variants were added.
    • as of 3.1R, it correctly showcases the Vanilla flavor.
  • As of 3.3.1, Sprinklekit is the only Raytraxian to keep its design since its debut in the Late 3.1 Winter event
    • as of 3.1.1 Hallows, Sprinklekit finally.. got a redesign.
  • When consuming the banana ice cream, instead of having to eat 5 of them.. it only takes 1 banana ice cream if infect you into the banana variant.

