Kaiju Paradise Fan Wiki

Gootraxian Tips


An example of infecting someone with nearby hazards and grabbing from the back(?).

  • To make sure you infect someone, grab them and then walk them into hazards (crystals, sharks, puddles, and more).
    • Bait them into a nearby hazards to give yourself more advantage.
  • Infecting someone will regen your HP (grab is 15 health while attack is 30).
  • Try to avoid people with Scythes as they have a bigger range and can knock you back.
    • Avoid trying to grab people with Scythes if you can since it will get blocked. Although it lowers the durability weapon. You should better use attack on them or run.
  • Grab them from the back. There is a low chance of the weapon hitting you at the back depending on the angle and they’ll have to turn back to hit you unlike from the front where they can easily hit you.
  • Hazmat suit players makes some hazards less effective if you drag them (grab) over there.
  • Do not grab a human when they are being grabbed by another Gootraxian, as it will cancel the grab and make them able to escape.
  • Use the attack ability when a human is being grabbed by other Gootraxians to make sure they get infected.
  • Grabs can be cancelled if someone hits you, so make sure you do it on somewhere safe or alone.
  • If you are grabbing someone, you can cancel it by unequipping the tool.
  • Crystals are less effective as they are now slippery and Bricks can knock you down, so try to keep that in mind if you camp on top of it.
  • After a Power Outage or Blackout event in the human safe zone. If you hear an alarm sound, be sure to get out of there before the forcefield re-activates and kill you.
  • All Gootraxians have a unique passive called an "omen bar". This passive causes Gootraxians to ignore stun after being hit a certain number of times. Different weapons cause the passive to activate faster, depending on the damage dealt. The bar is not visible.

As a Pup

  • Steal weapons such as Knives and Bats to support Gootraxians.
  • You can't steal any items from hazmat suit players.
  • You can steal med kits while they are healing.

As a Slime Dragon

  • Fused Slime Dragons have the most health (other than golden or diamond) and is a lot more common.
For Golden and Diamond variants
  • Prepare for several Humans ganging up on you due to your rewards upon being killed.
  • You have a LOT of health but it won't regen back.
    • If you are a Slime Hound or Slime Dragon, infect Humans to regenerate health.
    • If you are a Slime Pup, ask "friendly" Humans to feed you food to heal up.

As Sprinklekit

  • Use your ice cream drips to slow down people who are chasing you. This is more effective if you are low on health.

As a Protogen

  • Avoid pools of water to not get damaged.
    • You can lower your health by going into the pool of water and quickly gain the self-destruct ability.
    • Use your self destruct wisely as your health is low and your walk speed will be reduced a lot upon activation.

As a Panther

  • You can hold people over Toxic Bunny shadows or Dragon Crystals to give them no possible way to escape.

Human Tips

  • Try not to rely too much on the bat and use other weapons as they are more effective in the battle.
  • Abble's shop will close down when Blackouts happen, making you unable to switch skins and buy items. So try to predict when it will happen and buy the items & use skins you wanted in advance before the event happens.
  • Be on the lookout for items spawning around the map as this will give you more advantage.
  • Be careful when you kill a Nuclear Rabbit, as they explode on death and spread some green puddle that could damage & slow you down.
  • If you hear a beeping from a Protogen, either kill it as fast as you can or run away from them.
  • Use skins that can emit light such as the torch bat, etc. so you won't get lost in the dark. This will be useful on events like Blackout or Power Outage.
  • Be careful if you are holding items in your hand, as some of them can be stolen by pups.
  • Destroy vending machines as they can give you Bloxy Colas and Witchbrews. You can trade them to the shop for some tokens.
  • Crowbars will deal 2.25x damage to a vending machine. So try to find and use them more if you are farming tokens.
  • While Machetes deal more damage, keep in mind that the stun is shorter compared to bat.
  • Use bananas to slip gootraxians if you being chased by one. Try to put peels in doorways and chokepoints to make them harder to avoid.
  • Use bricks to prevent crystal campers and runners. This also can be used to make sure you hit your opponent and switch to another weapon due to the low cooldown.
  • Use Scythes if you want to deal with a crowd of people as the weapon has more range and prevent grabs.
  • Use Sledge Hammers only when if it will actually hit the floor, as the weapon don't work if it happens and will have a long cooldown.
  • While scythes can block grab, try not to get grabbed too much because it lowers your durability and even destroys it.
  • Have a medkit on you at all times as they can heal you if your health is low. Be careful though as med kits can make you open to attack for a short period of time.
  • Weapons such as the Katana can give a small movement boost and propel you forward. Use this to catch up with someone who is running away. Keep in mind that the third swing will slow you down more than help. Always ensure that your swing count is reset at the end of a fight so you don't get caught with the slow effect.
  • Hazmat Suits are very good as they reduces grab & hazard damage and prevent insta-transfurs for one time only. This also prevents transforming accessories attaching to you and stops pups from stealing your items.
  • Do not stay in the safe zone if you want to regen your health in any event.
  • The amount of clicks you need to escape grab will increase the more you get grabbed. You can decrease this by killing Gootraxians.
  • There is a thin bar on the right of your screen that indicates when you are in combat. The more the bar is filled, the longer you will have to wait to get back into the safezone. The bar will fill more, with the more hits you take. Remember to keep an eye on this if you're planning to get into the safezone to regenerate HP while being attacked.

General Tips

  • Try to avoid a group of either side, as if you want to fight a group of Gootraxians, they can swap into another Gootraxian's grab after you've escaped; Fighting against a group of humans will put you inside a stun lock, and you won't be able to escape.
  • Assess the situation first and don't rush in without thinking. This will increase your chance of survivability.
  • Always keep in mind of the cooldown of your weapons or ability and get some distance away from the enemy. If the cooldown is over, you can proceed to attack again.
  • Be aware of your surroundings, especially on Blackouts. Don't be reckless and watch for ambushes & hazards around the map.
  • Use the environment to your advantage. This can be something simple like using the big metal door to escape by closing it at the last second, or using hazards such as crystals, sharks, etc. to make infecting easier.
  • You can climb the metal rack from the sides to gain height advantage or have a little breathing space.
  • Do not be afraid to hide or run away. Sometimes it's better to be safe than sorry (especially if you are on a killstreak).
  • Blackouts make you unable to see the player UI, meaning that you won't be able to see their nametag and health. Be extra cautious and lookout for ambushes.
  • Try to get to servers with a suitable server region so you have a good ping. This is to ensure that you don't have much delay and can land your hits more better.
  • You can climb on top of the scaffolding if you are skilled enough. This can be used for many things, like hiding, setting up ambushes, AFK, etc.
  • If you want to land your hits better, try using debug mode.
  • Turn off realistic perspective if you want to see better in the dark.

Community Tips (If you have a tip or trick, comment it! We'll add it here!)

  • The Shiny Vault: Basically what you do, is if you have a diamond or gold in your server, have them come to the vibe room, and then get as many latex as you can to join you in the vibe room, make sure the diamond, rainbow, or gold latex is surrounded by other latex for protection. (optional) Try to recruit a pup as a dis-arm, and try to get a latex to guard the entrance and if any hostiles get in, alert the others. (Note from the creator: it works really well, and when iIhad so many latex under my command, and plenty of willing humans/survivors, we were able to achieve the Badge "Scruppo Expulsio.") Success may differ per server. By @TheLore&LegendHunter
  • If you are being chased, and are infected, go to the gas room or storage to either infect or create a delay for the people chasing you. By @Okdude24
